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A note from Bayport-Blue Point Chamber of Commerce

One of the biggest issues we are seeing in our community now is children gathering in groups and socializing. The mandate from New York State suggests no public gatherings including no children gathering – sleepovers, playing together in public parks or on school grounds. All Bayport-Blue Point School buildings including all fields and courts are closed until further notice.

We beyond understand that is hard for our children with numerous activities that have been cancelled and not much to occupy their time especially as the spring weather sets in. Set up virtual playdates on FaceTime, Snap Chat, etc. Get your children outside to play in your backyard, but please no personal socialization for the safety of our whole community. The more we heed the instructions, the quicker we will halt the spread of this virus.



Contact Gala for more details!

© 2021 by Bayport Blue Point Gazette. Proudly designed and created by Gina Geraci

207 Atlantic Ave Blue Point, NY 11715


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