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Photos & Article by Mikaela Carroll

You know its a Spikeball Tournament Day when the high school turf field is filled with 20 or more spikeball nets, tons of bikes ,and tons of competitive pairs waiting to bring home the trophy and a cash prize!

It all started over the summer when high school senior, Chris Costa mentioned the idea of running a local spikeball tournament with some friends to fellow Spikeball lover and friend, Matt Nilan, the BBP Spikeball Tournament was born. Matt and Chris said they have always loved to create brackets, schedules, and are very competitive so they were up for the challenge of hosting a tournament.

They held the first tournament in August and it was a huge success and had a lot of positive feedback, so they decided to host a fall tournament, AND add more teams! During the BBP Spikeball Fall Classic, there were 24 pairs who competed which ranged from eighth grade to freshman in college who were home over Thanksgiving break. Teams play 5 regular games against various teams and then go into multiple rounds of playoffs, semi finals and then a final Championship round.

Chris and Matt’s main goal was to make a fun tournament for their classmates, neighbors and friends, which they have most definitely done! Chris and Matt say, “It may be a lot of work but we love to do it, and everyone else loves it, and that’s all that really matters!” They hope to see some more spectators around the turf football field next tournament! To keep up with the latest tournaments, rankings and other BBP Spikeball Fun, give @bbpspikeball on Instagram a follow!



Contact Gala for more details!

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207 Atlantic Ave Blue Point, NY 11715


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